By Konstanze Walther WASHINGTON - It is 6:15 am when Jay McGinley begins his work on the edge of Lafayette Park in a homemade tent made of white plastic. ...
I am a student at American University studying Peace and Conflict resolution. I just read the article on your cause in the Philadelphia Inquirer and I would like to say you are truly inspiring. You and your partner and two of the most dedicated individuals I have ever come across in my life and I am so happy to hear that although William Thomas has been called home, you will not be silent and you will let his message live on. From the bottom of my heart God Bless You and Thank You.
I am a student at American University studying Peace and Conflict resolution. I just read the article on your cause in the Philadelphia Inquirer and I would like to say you are truly inspiring. You and your partner and two of the most dedicated individuals I have ever come across in my life and I am so happy to hear that although William Thomas has been called home, you will not be silent and you will let his message live on. From the bottom of my heart God Bless You and Thank You.