1. Wage Love - this is what you were designed to do - as is all life - to Wage Love/Creation/Goodness.
2. Profit Humanity - avoid the murderous lie that our "family" is some subset of Humanity. Every single one of History's heroes sets the lie to this - King, Gandhi, Jesus, Romero.... Avoid the cancerous lie of western civilization, aided and abetted by the cHURCH that it is OK to Profit FROM others. This is a direct perversion of Jesus teaching and life. Life PROFITS OTHERS. Period.
3. Reap the uninterrupted flow of the chemical/psychological coctail Joy - Heaven, "Our Father's Kingdom," Nirvana... by whatever name.
There is not much else that the greats teach. There is not much else to know.
Will waste a lifetime, like me, discovering this path?
Will you discover it and walk the path now in time to lead others?