A year and a half ago God took mercy on me and my pitiful struggles toward Life / Truth / regaining-my-Humanity and revealed to me the Truth that Life lay along the Path of never again working for money, but living or dying solely within the relationship of "Family," from each according to herhis ability, to each according to herhis need. My yearnings had been tearing me in that direction forever but the clarity that day at the White House on hunger strike for Darfur was a Divine gift. It was soooo the Clarity I had been searching for. And thus I've LIVED WITH A SHAMEFUL WEALTH OF JOY ever since.
Today I've received the next installment - Life comes, is developed by, and is to be accepted ONLY from PeaceWarriors / Humanitarians / Christlikes / WorldFamily, come what may. ("Christlikes?" What Jesus attempted to restore us to - "Our Father.... (Jesus said, including you and me WITH Himself.)" "Whoever claims to abide in Jesus aught to live just like Jesus lived;" John's 2nd letter. Why not "Christians?" Christians are Pagans and Zionist-jews that stole and have masqueraded under the "Christ" brand for wholly evil, anti-Christlike reasons; the greatest most murderous hijacking / hoax / atrocity / holocaust in history.)
Is all this ranting of mine Exclusionary? Elitist? How could I have been so blind, I wonder. This is among the most profound, hopeful awakenings on my part in the last 10 years! Eureka! Thank God! When I was in the computer industry turning around failing organizations I was acutely aware of the ULTIMATE importance of having the right people in the organization. Everything was possible with, nothing was possible without. Truly and consciously I would much rather have had vacant seats, than to have those seats filled with non-zealous, non-selfdisciplined, non-committed folks; and frequently so it went. Since leaving industry, and especially since entering God's business, Saving Humanity, I've totally, TOTALLY overlooked this ALL IMPORTANT ASPECT. In industry would I have hired / engaged with someone because they were nice, because they were pleasant, because they were kind, because their WORDS were agreeable? NO! These are important ingredients but totally insufficient in and of themselves to achieve anything great. No, the crucial ingredient I knew to look for in a recruit / partner / fellow traveler / contributor then was potential for Vision / Burning Desire / Fire / Passion / Courage / Commitment / Self-Sacrifice / Self-Discipline / Complete Devotion, Surrender and Submission to Mission. This has been nowhere on my radar screen, a profound and total blind spot day after day, year after year since joining God's Business - Humanity. Thank God for this new clarity. God forgive me if I forget again.
There is, there IS PeaceWarrior / Christlike (health) and everything else is Death (cancer); everything else, no matter how kIND, how nICE is the end of Life-worth-living on earth - lIVING Death. Extreme view? Your heart is extreme - it NEVER for an instant has stopped to think of itself; it NEVER has stopped beating, stopped Living entirely for the body - for the "least of these." Same for the skin cell, the eye, the ear, the liver.... Such total, complete, 100% service, EXTREME SERVICE of the BODY is the way, the only way of Life NOTHING ELSE IS LIFE. It is precisely this Clarity that seized and held Jesus, and now holds me. Thank God. "What profiteth a man to win the wORLD but to lose hisher Life; hisher HUMANITY?" "The good shepherd lays down his life for the flock." "Do unto others ALL that you would have them do for you." "You cannnot serve God and Mammon." Falling away from what the heart knows and practices, what the skin cell knows and practices - 24/7 service - is the ENTIRETY of the Biblical "Fall" from Grace, the Fall from God / Life / Love / Humanity. "We will be extremists for love, or extremists for hate." ML King. Tissue is healthy, or it is cancer. Start Loving.
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