Oh there is so much I want to write about this but the following will have to suffice:
What do you get when you take the "God" out of Jesus? Gandhi is the answer.
Jesus died to be followed. He would die again if he knew he instead was being worshiped.
In fact, by belief is that what has happended is by plan, one well intended but deathly wrong, the other evil:
1. The Appostles didn't get it, or rather they didn't really get it. They thought success was in numbers of bodies rather than number of people going to the Cross. So they made up all the crap about miracles, resurection, ties to prophacy in the Old Testament to be able to better "sell" new converts. In the pricess they fatally diluted the saving psychology and social engineering that was Jesus saving gift of Life to us.
2. At Nicea the "Church" (today's anti-Christ) explicitly promised Constantine that in return for not being exterminated but instead bankrolled they would extinguish the actual "practice" of what Jesus taught. That they would turn the "way" into ritual and dogma that enslaved people as loyal subjects of not the Kingdom but the state.
There has not been a "Church" for 1800 years.
If we had done the same to Eistein there would be no bomb; Lister, there would be regular death from infection after operations....
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